1/4″ Minus Fir Bark Mulch

Our 1/4″ Minus Fir Bark is a beautiful ground cover for higher-end garden applications. All pieces average 1/4″ or less and are derived from Douglas fir trees. Many of our customers like this bark for its reddish color and fine texture.

Product Prices & Quantities:
Unit Price
Yard $69.95
Product Type:
Barks & Ground Covers

Bulk Material Calculator

Use our tool below to calculate an estimated cost for quantity of material:

Enter the length, width, and depth...


Common Measurements:

  • 200 gals = 1 Cubic Yard
  • 18 bags (1.5 CU. FT.) = 1 Cubic Yard
  • Planting in half wine barrels requires approximately 4 CU.FT. (3 bags) of material