Organic Arbor Mulch

Arbor Mulch is our organic homemade recycled mulch product, made from tree trimmings brought to us by local tree services. This mulch typically consists of pine, alder, fir, poplar, redwood, and acacia trees. These materials are fed through our horizontal grinder to create usable mulch pieces. All of our tree waste material is inspected by hand upon arrival for any contaminants such as garbage, dirt, plastic, sod, pampas grass, bamboo, manures, or rocks. The material is then inspected again by hand when unloaded, a third time before it goes into our industrial tub grinder, and a final time after it is screened and moved to a bunker.

Top dress with 2-3 inches of Arbor Mulch for an inexpensive solution for moisture retention, weed control, and erosion.  It’s particularly effective in hill side applications with high winds. Our Arbor Mulch has a natural forest floor appearance and the fines present in the material make it a comfortable, compacted walking surface.

Product Prices & Quantities:
Unit Price
Yard $15.95
Product Type:
Barks & Ground Covers

Bulk Material Calculator

Use our tool below to calculate an estimated cost for quantity of material:

Enter the length, width, and depth...


Common Measurements:

  • 200 gals = 1 Cubic Yard
  • 18 bags (1.5 CU. FT.) = 1 Cubic Yard
  • Planting in half wine barrels requires approximately 4 CU.FT. (3 bags) of material