All Green Compost

Please call for availability.

Our All Green Compost is made from green materials (i.e. grass clippings, leaves, etc.) that landscapers and homeowners bring to us for recycling. We grind these materials and add urea, calcium nitrate, single super phosphate, iron sulfate and oyster shell flour. All Green Compost has a neutral pH and can be used in a wide variety of landscape planting. It’s a great soil conditioner for breaking up adobe/clay soil and provides moisture retention in sandy soil. Use All Green Compost when preparing soil for new lawn or as a general mulch.

NOTE: Our compost can contain varying levels of beneficial microbiology and can act as a favorable substrate. Given the right conditions it is possible that mushrooms may form.

Product Prices & Quantities:
Unit Price
Yard $45.70
Product Type:
Compost & Amendments

Bulk Material Calculator

Use our tool below to calculate an estimated cost for quantity of material:

Enter the length, width, and depth...


Common Measurements:

  • 200 gals = 1 Cubic Yard
  • 18 bags (1.5 CU. FT.) = 1 Cubic Yard
  • Planting in half wine barrels requires approximately 4 CU.FT. (3 bags) of material